Sunday, August 16, 2020

August 3, 2020

 What Can I Say Except You're Welcome

Back again for another weekly email are we? I'm impressed we've all made it this far honestly! So yes the rumors are true. I have been out for a year so that is exciting. I never thought a year ago I'd he chillin in Lawrence Kansas with my good friend Elder Scroggin! It's been a crazy journey and not at all what I expected but I've loved it! 

We haven't had too exciting of a week honestly. We've taught a few lessons with John who is progressing very well! I'm thinking he will get baptized this transfer which is exciting! 

So on my one year mark we went out to our Bishops house and they fed us dinner and then we burned a shirt which was good fun! 

Yep that's my email! Sorry it isn't too much, but enjoy the pictures!

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon 

July 27, 2020

 Past Few Weeks

I've been called out by my good friend Thomas Anderson for not writing weekly's. In his words "Snix you never send out emails" so here I am sending out an email! 

It's been a minute since I've written and honestly things are going just about as good as they can all things considered. We've done lots of service for members and other random things around town. 

We've been teaching this girl named Kathryn who is super cool! She came in as a referral from some Elders in Arizona and she is so cool! She loves the Book of Mormon and is so ready for baptism. She just wants to know that she knows so we are helping her with that.

Another dope person we've been teaching is John. He came in as a referral from some sisters in the Independence Missouri mission. One of the sisters is actually a girl I went to high school with so that's fun! Anyway John was raised Roman Catholic and he has been doing lessons with us and he knows our church is true but he doesn't know how to tell his mom he wants to join our church and not be catholic anymore. He's 19 and just graduated high school, but he's cool.

We had transfers recently. I'm staying in Lawrence with my companion another transfer. We went from 8 missionaries to 14 here in Lawrence because of all the reassigned buddies. There are only 4 OG KWM missionaries in Lawrence now which is so weird. One of the Elders is Elder Rogers who I was friends with in high school! 

Umm ya that's about it for content. There's probably gonna be a lot of pictures so enjoy! 

Ooh also I hit my year mark this week so that's kinda fun I guess!

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon

July 13, 2020

 I Took a Lot of Pics to Make Up for Lack of Content

Hello my devout fan club. Not much going on in the 785 honestly. 

We've done lots of service recently which has been fun! We have been helping a member from another ward in Lawrence get his backyard all prepped to put a pool in so it's just lots of manual labor. Let me tell ya, 2 hours of manual labor at 2pm in July in Kansas is not a good combination. It'll wear you out pretty quick and give you heat exhaustion too... anyway I went sicko mode with this metal pole. I broke up and removed a lot of the cement in the picture you'll see. My hands took a beating but maybe by the end of it I won't have soft hands...

The only really cool thing that happened this week was when I got a phone call from a kid named Jaymz Bischoff who used to be a missionary here in the KWM. He served in the area I'm currently in and he told me that he had a former investigator reach out to him and express his desire to be baptized and become a member of the church! So that's crazy flippin awesome! We're gonna meet with him soon to make sure he knows what he's doing and everything but that was definitely a miracle for the week! 

Well that's all I've got... but like I said, I took lots of pics to make up for it!

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...