Sunday, February 7, 2021

December 21, 2020

 Who Wants to Win a Million Dollars?

Well, if going home taught me one thing it was to email more. Not sure how it taught me that, but it did cause here I am writing another email for my devoted fans. Love you all I'll try my best to give y'all the content you deserve.

A few things I'll mention but not in great detail. 1) I woulda made my momma proud with the 99 I bowled last p day. I think my grandma would have expected more from me. sorry grandma Tekla 2) Judge all you want, but milk is better with ice in it. don't @ me 3) homemade rice heating packs do not have strong seams. See pics for more info. 4) Jesus loves you :) 5) we went to a Methodist church Sunday for kicks and giggles. They had a rock band. It was dope. Too bad they're not the true church.

Okay now for the bulk of the email. Tuesday I got the special opportunity to travel 2 hours outside of my area to go to the Topeka zone conference! I missed the one for our zone and the Christmas zone conferences are always special so my comp and I were allowed to attend the one in Topeka. That was a good time because that was my last zone so I got to see a bunch of pals from there and they were all hyped and excited I was back so that was fun. Big takeaway from zc and I wish I could tell you all about this experience but this isn't the time or place. (mom and dad don't ask about it when I call or I won't call again). But the big thing I took away is that Jesus loves me. And he loves you. Now this was never directly said I don't recall, but it was just one of those things that the spirit told me as I was listening to the conference. And there was not denying what I had felt. I will happily testify of that truth. We also got to watch "It's a wonderful life" but with all the kissing and gross stuff edited out of course. I remember I used to hate that movie because my parents forced us to watch it every new years. Turns out its actually not that bad of a movie! Who woulda thought. Also you know I had to hit bdubs with the pals after. Cripes this email is already long.

I've got the million dollar question. How can someone believe Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, believe in the Doctrine and Covenants, read the Book of Mormon, and then still deny that coffee was an inspired part of the Word of Wisdom? Well that's what I'm experiencing with Patricia who I think I've talked about. pray for her 🙏

We did a little service for the McPherson county Christmas project which provides a Christmas to around 200 families in need in the area. Good times.

Boy if you've made it this far and you're not family give yourself a pat on the back. Y’all are the real ones. Last thing I'll talk about. We were doing some cold calling of previous investigators and we actually had a little family show interest so we set up a lesson and taught them and hopefully we can continue teaching them. Dustin and Ashely are their names in case I write about them in the future.

Cripes well this very well may be the longest email I have ever written in the history of ever so you are all welcome. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas :) 10 bucks says you won't share the Christ child video with someone this week 🤷‍.

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...