Sunday, June 7, 2020

May 25, 2020

Tickle, Tickle

What is up everyone! Look at me being proactive and getting a weekly email out! I can't promise this is how it'll be from now on but I didn't have anything better to do so here I am! We had another great week out here in the old 620! Lemme tell y'all a little bit about it

We had the chance to actually teach someone who lives here in town which was great! His name is Colten and he's 9 and his Mom and Grandma are both members. His mom is apparently super less active but his Grandma isn't and she watches him a lot and so we went over to teach him and he told us he wants to get baptized and keep going to church with his Grandma!! We were so excited so we're gonna hopefully get him baptized here in June! 

We also invested in an ice cream machine this week. We picked it up at Walmart for like 30 bucks. We figured we have so much time during the day we might as well do something fun with it! So we spend a lot of time making ice cream. Some of it we keep and some we take to other missionaries. It gives us an excuse to go see other missionaries and to do something nice for them! So far we have made Peanut Butter Honey, cookies and cream, salted caramel pretzel, cake batter, and our own special creation which we call Sewing Kit Kookie Butter TM. For that flavor we took those cookies you can only find in the blue sewing kits that a lot of grandmas have. Well we took those crackers, smashed them up, put them in a vanilla base and then put some biscoff cookie butter in to change the base to cookie butter instead of vanilla. Turned out really good! 

So recently we had the opportunity to help a family move. They were just moving from one house here in town to another. It was really weird because we couldn't go inside so we just took stuff from the porch to their van and then drove over to the new house and unloaded everything onto the porch. Well during one particular unloading time their son, who I guess is around 12, came up to me, tickled my shoulder, and simply said "tickle tickle" then walked away. It was easily one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me. I just looked at my comp like what the heck just happened and we both just laughed about it. And we continued to laugh about it. This kid also heard me singing Tangled and without missing a beat started singing with me so that was funny to! 

Yeah I think that's all I've got for the week! 

Warmest regards, 
Elder Nixon 

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...