Sunday, July 18, 2021

April 12, 2021

We Got the Cops Called on Us

Ciao a tutti! That's Italian (I think) in honor of my comp who is supposed to be in Milan Italy. Kansas is far better though. This week has been baller but I'll keep it brief-ish

Monday was solid cause I got to play spikeball for the first time in a FAT minute. I may or may not have bruised my bone but it's fine we power through. 

Went on exchanges Thursday which was fun.

Saturday was a great day! We had Ethan’s baptism!! I don't remember if I mentioned Ethan last week, but we kinda just walked in on his baptism. kinda nice tho. The last two Elders put him on date and then both got transferred out so Elder Jackson and I got in, solidified a few things then got him dunked on Saturday! The other Elders who taught him were able to come so that was nice for them. Ethan is super cool too! He's 22 and is actually looking at serving a mission which is amazing! Yeah that's Saturday 

Sunday... boy for a day of rest there was not much rest for me. We went to the family ward sacrament meeting at 9 since we help them out a little with missionary work and then at 10:30 we had branch council for our little YSA branch. That lasted a fat minute and we had sacrament meeting at 12 for the YSA branch. We get to go to both hours so that's nice. The afternoon was just studying and all that jazz. 

Ok now to address the title... I feel like it's the best clickbait I've had in a while. Well here’s what happened. The Sisters we share the family ward with were picking up dinner from a member for all of us, so we were chillin on their porch waiting. Well they had made the comment that we could try to get onto their deck which is on a second story so naturally we took a look (With all my climbing expertise I'm sure I could have done it but their downstairs neighbors back door was open so we decided against it). So then we started seeing if there was another way we could get in so naturally we checked the front door and looked for a spare key. We discovered it wasn’t too hard to get onto the roof but we decided we better not do that. Well last resort was a window that we assumed was for their apartment. It was unlocked but there was a blanket over the window and we weren't 100% sure it was to their apartment so we again decided against entering. Well fast forward 3 or so minutes and there’s two police officers pulling up and in that moment we realized how freaking suspicious we looked so we just sat there like innocent little boys. Thankfully the sisters pulled up and we grabbed our food and dipped before they came and talked to us. Moral of the story. Don’t try to break into a window unless you're 100% sure it goes to the apartment you want. The end. 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...