Sunday, July 5, 2020

June 29, 2020

I'm Lazy

What's good everyone! We've had a pretty chill week!

We had Zone conference in person which was exciting! Hopefully that means things are gonna start getting better here.

Um we went to the state capital building in Topeka so that was fun. 

So we went over to a less active lady's house to pick raspberries. So there was a really dense trail and there were a lot of trees too, and we, being the smart elders we are, didn’t wear bug spray. I knew about Kansas bugs but I was pretty sure they were a myth... they are not. Elder Scroggin found one crawling on my shirt and we knew we goofed up. So then we went to a barbecue at a trailer park out in the sticks, which was very interesting (some of the most midwestern people you'll meet). Then we went back home and called the mission nurse. She said to do a thorough check all around our bodies. Long story short I found a total of 3 ticks, Elder Scroggin had 9, my companion had ZERO and Elder Poulson got like 2. Anyways we called a doctor and had take a couple pills that basically just destroys lyme disease. So that was fun!

I know I'm missing some good content because I don't have my journal which I usually use to remind me of the good stuff so I'll be sure to include it all next week!

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...