Sunday, July 5, 2020

June 15, 2020

Reunited with an Old Friend

What a week everyone! Buckle up because this is a good one!

So first I'm sorry I didn't get an email out last week. It was just SO crazy. I got the word Sunday night that I would be transferring, which was VERY unexpected. I thought for sure I was gonna stay in my little town of Wellington, but the Lord had other plans. So I had to pack everything up very quickly as we had to be in Wichita the next day since good ole Elder Briggs was headed home. Thankfully I got everything packed in time! We spent most of Monday and all of Tuesday with some Elders in Wichita which was good fun! 

Wednesday was a wild day! We usually all meet at one of the churches in Wichita for transfers but there’s some angry dude who doesn't like when we gather there, so all the transferring missionaries met up at a movie theater parking lot! We couldn't get out of our cars, so we just waited until our President sent out an email that had a big google spreadsheet on it and we were to find our new comp and leave! So. My new area is... Lawrence YSA!! I'm so pumped!! For those of you who don't know Kansas, Lawrence is the town where the University of Kansas is located (AKA KU) and I am assigned to the Young Single Adult ward so pretty much once I can talk to people again I'm gonna spend all day on campus walking around trying to talk to people! My comp is Elder Hohmann from Tooele Utah. He's a good kid! The best part tho is that my MTC companion Elder Scroggin is serving in the same area! So we see each other a lot and it's GOOD fun. Not too much fun of course... but yeah I love it here. It's very different from my last area. Lawrence is a big college town with lots of restaurants and college kids (most with leftist views, which is fine... I'm politically neutral as a missionary)! 

Let's see, so we do a ton of service here. We help out at the Salvation Army preparing boxes of food, we serve at another place giving out food to homeless people here in the area, and then other random things! 

We've done a bit of exploring here and boy Lawrence is very different than all my other areas! There as so many trees here and lots of green and even some hills! It's all very beautiful. 

Another cool thing that happened this week was that we got a referral from some missionaries in Arizona! They had a YSA girl going to college out there and she moved home, which is here, and so we're pumped about that! I'll keep y'all updated with her!

Yep that's all I've got for the week! The work of the Lord truly cannot be stopped! I'm grateful to be a missionary at this time and for all the crazy experiences I'm getting to have! God is good! 
Hoorah for Israel!

Go Jayhawks!!

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

Ps... everyone tell my brother Jordan to stop trying to steal my Hawaiian shirt style. Everyone knows it's my look and he can't have it. 

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...