Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 1, 2020

PETA Would be so Disappointed

Well first off I got a much needed haircut from my companion Elder Briggs. For the most part he did good, but he did my bangs dirty unfortunately. It doesn't look horrible when it's combed, but when it's not combed it's a little funny. 

Let's see Tuesday. There is a member here in town who is really old and can't come to church and every so often we go pick up her tithing. Well we were on our bikes because she only lives about a half mile from us and as we were biking I saw this squirrel start to cross the road. Well I started doing some quick math in my head and realized that if the squirrel kept his path and I kept mine, I would hit said squirrel with my bike. Well I had a very important decision to make. Should I slow down and make the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals happy or should I keep going and make myself happy. I think y'all can guess which one I chose. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I do know the squirrel hit my back tire and went flying into a storm drain which he promptly got out of to go climb a tree and reevaluate his life. Good times. This member also gave us a huge box of food to take home so that made for an interesting bike ride.

Oh you remember that kid Colten I talked about like last week? Well on Friday I think it was we taught him a lesson and we put him on date to be baptized!! We are so excited! As of right now he should be baptized on Saturday but we'll see if that works out, but we are really hoping it does! So yeah that was definitely a miracle for the week!

What a time to be alive! I've heard a little bit about the riots going on all over the country and boy it sounds crazy! Just remember who is at the head of our church! It's God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. And how blessed we are to live in a day with a Prophet who can speak to us from God. That's quite the blessing I'd say. Be good this week everyone. Don't go looting. It's bad. 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

Pics: My wonderful haircut
          A giant windmill blade 
          I made bread this week

Oh and I feel I should include this PSA

In case y'all didn't know, the little lights you can turn on on most standard ovens get REALLY hot, especially if you've left them on all day, and it only takes oh not even half a second to burn your fingers on them pretty bad. It took me 19 years to figure this out so hopefully I can speed up the process for some of y'all!

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...