Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 13, 2020

I Saved My Companion's Life?!?!

Hello fans! Another great week here in good old Wellington Kansas!  This was our most eventful week in a while honestly. Let's see so I don't remember the day but one day this week I was going to check the mail and as I was coming back inside I noticed a spider in the corner by our door. Well naturally I wanted it dead so I went to get the spider killer spray and I went out to face my fears. I sprayed this sucker and he fell to the ground and started writhing on the ground and it was at that moment I saw a flash of red on said spiders butt. Well it was at about this point I got a little worried because I realized I wasn't dealing with no ordinary spider. I was dealing with a black widow. My fight or flight instinct kicked in and obviously I went with fight. I took my trusty can of spider killer and unloaded it on my enemy. After a hard fight I sent that spider back to Hell where he came from. The rest of the day I was a little on edge just from the whole ordeal. Not tryna toot my own horn but I probably saved my own life and my companions that day. 

We also got not one, but two referrals from Salt Lake this week! The first one had just requested a missionary visit so we called her and talked to her for a few minutes and unfortunately we haven't been able to contact her again, but we'll keep trying! 

The other referral had requested a bible study so we called her and left a message but we're hoping she didn't just request to talk to us so she could bash... we'll see! 

Well ya that's all the time I've got! The work of the Lord can't be stopped!

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...