Sunday, June 7, 2020

April 20, 2019

It Finally Happened...

Well folks there is actually some decently good content for the week! Lots of funny stuff and a little bit of good missionary work!

So, first things first. It finally happened. (I know addressing the title at the beginning so y'all can quit reading after) anyway. I knew my mission was going to be hard about a month before I left when I called the McDonalds out here to learn they didn’t have hot and spicy mcchickens. I love hot and spicys and I didn't know how I would survive without them for 2 years. (To all my friends who can’t eat them, I apologize) Anyway after a 7 month drought the McDonalds in Kansas have decided to start serving hot and spicy Mcchickens!! I got a message on Facebook from my trainer and he told me the news. I didn’t hesitate to go find out for myself. Oh how sweet was my joy to find out he was telling the truth. I ate four of them and coulda died a happy man! So that's exciting!

Next on the list is we met this less active named Cenek Sekavec. You would think he's like this short Checzh guy, but he isn't. He is very white and has no accent whatsoever. Anyway we talked with him and he is SUCH an intelligent man. It’s a good thing my comp is so smart because they just had a grand time talking while I just sat there pretending to understand what they were talking about. Good times tho.

We were out walking on Saturday and we walked past this elementary school where this 9 year old boy was balling out. He saw us and started yelling him and his family don't need Jesus and to keep walking. Train ‘em young I guess.

I don’t know how to preface this story, but I'll try. We were talking to this dude who was showing us his super cool bible and how it has cross references and everything. I feel a little bad, but I shredded this man's bible with the KJV and by the end he didn’t like his super cool bible. I then proceeded to destroy his idea on the trinity. Didn’t feel as bad about that. Well he was getting sad so naturally he turned to conspiracy theories. We went outside because we were leaving and he goes, " These are his words. "You see those stars? Those are aliens. President Putin- the antichrist- well he told Obama that he better tell everyone we were in a war with those aliens. Orion’s belt is actually 3 UFO's called the gray aliens. You can google it man. I wouldn't lie to you about this" We got a good laugh about that.
We have some tennis courts right across the street from our house and every morning we get up at 6am to play tennis for an hour. It's so much fun! I'm getting pretty good I think. Saturday me and Elder Brown were up at 5:30 to play tennis! I was pretty tired the rest of the day but it was so worth it! RIP to my good friend Scott who just bought his racket and pass and then got transferred... I'll serve it into the net for ya.

Ah yes. I ran my first red light this week. Some of the stoplights here are really dumb. Let me explain. They have the two straight lights and then off the side they have the turn arrow. Well I didn’t see the turn arrow. All I saw was a green light so I made the turn. Well about halfway through the turn I realized what I did. Oops. No cops saw so we good.

Umm lastly. I shaved my legs. No I didn’t cut myself. Yes my sheets felt really weird. Yes my legs get really cold and yes I am very not excited for the hair to start growing back.

Overall the mish is a grand time! I'm loving (almost) every minute. It's hard but it'll be worth it! I love this church and the peace it brings to me!

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...