Sunday, January 26, 2020

January 6, 2020

What is up everyone! 

I don't have a lot of time, or content today, so I guess it works out right? 

Well unfortunately we did not get to meet with Audrianna because she had to make an emergency trip to Wichita with her sick father. Stay tuned tho because we will meet again. 

Not sure if I've ever mentioned Sage in any of my emails, but she came to church with us yesterday which was a huge boost to us. Real quick, Sage is a young lady who graduated in May. She is good friends with a missionary serving from our ward, and before he left, he gave her a Book of Mormon and since then she has read it twice and is excited to use the Come Follow Me book to study!  She knows it is scripture from God. She told us after church she would see us next Sunday, so we are assuming she meant at church which would be awesome! 

I was on exchanges with the Zone Leaders, and they had an airsoft gun in their apartment, so naturally we all started shooting each other with it. It didn't hurt too bad, but definitely still left welts... 

Sunday I had a VERY stressful experience. As I was pulling into the church I saw a car I didn't recognize and I pointed it out to Elder Robinson. He said it looked like Presidents car, but I wasn't convinced. Well we walk into the church and low and behold there was President and Sister Ernst. Now if you're a missionary, or have been a missionary, you know how stressful it is to have your mission president drive two hours to surprise you at your sacrament meeting. Well we talked and he really enlightened my mind in regards to Alma 32. I always knew it was a good chapter, but holy it is incredible. Y'all should study it, and I mean study. Not just read it. Those last three verses are absolute bomb! 

Well that's all I've got for now, and unfortunately I don't have a ton of pics! I'll try my best to repent and do better next week! 

Warmest Regards, 
Elder Nixon

My one pic: I drove up to Hays on Saturday for the baptism of this young man in the middle. I got to know him really well from teaching him on exchanges, giving him the baptismal interview, and because he comes to our District Meetings. He wants to be a missionary which is awesome!  

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...