Sunday, January 26, 2020

December 31, 2019

I Leaked a Private Video?!?!

Hello faithful subscribers! Sorry I haven't put out any content recently. It's been a busy time. On the bright side, I should hopefully have some good content in this email! And a few pictures if that's what you're about

Where to start? I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but a few weeks ago we were going out to eat and our waitress told us she used to go to the Mormon church out in Hutch (about an hour south east from G.B.). Silly me forgot to get her name or number so we could talk to her in the future. Well through many miracles I found her on Facebook and was able to get in contact with her and we actually met with her yesterday which was SO bomb. She is what you call a golden investigator. Her mom was a member of the church, but she passed away when Audrianna (the golden investigator) was still young. We asked her to say our closing prayer and she kept thanking Heavenly Father that we found her here in Great Bend and for sending us to her. It was pretty awesome!  

So a few days before Christmas we went ice skating to go street contacting since there were tons of people there. Well come to find out, it wasn't actually ice. It was this weird plastic stuff and if you've ever tried skating on plastic, it doesn't work, but it was free, so no complaints here. 

Christmas Eve was awesome! We spent the night with some members out in a town called Larned which we cover. It was super fun to eat, visit, play games, and have a little talent show. My talent was juggling, which I'm really not too good at, but it was fun. I definitely missed going to my Aunts house for breakfast and hanging out with family, but this was also fun!

Christmas was good, but like every missionary says, it wasn't like being home. We got taken care of out here though! 

Ah now for a funny story. So a few weeks back my dad sent me a video from when I was about 8 years old just jamming out to The Middle by Jimmy Eat-World. Great song. Anyway I showed it to my comp, but never shared it with anyone. Well a few days later, I get a text from one of our AP's asking if I liked Jimmy Eat-World. By this time I had forgot about this video. I said yes, but then commented on how random that question was. He then sent me a screenshot from the video my dad had sent me. I was blown away. I had NO idea how he could've got the video. After lots of questions he told me I had accidently uploaded it to our missions google drive for the entire mission to see! I had to do a lot of searching to find it, but it was eventually found and taken off of the drive. I don't think it did too much damage. Boy did we get a kick out of that though! 

Well that wasn't as much content as I thought, but hey, it's content! One thing I want to challenge everyone to do is watch the video "The Savior Understands Me" By Elder Holland. It's a bomb video. 

My last words of wisdom is that missions are HARD. Once you leave the MTC you realize how little you actually know, and you wonder if it is all worth it. At times you wonder if what you're teaching is actually true, or if this is all just a big lie. Well in the wise words of my good friend Scott, "Even if the gospel isn't true, the one thing I do know is true is that it changes the lives of the people for the better. Even if everything is a lie, the only thing we aren't lying about is that it will make their lives better." Now that is something I know is true. I may not have had a crazy burning in the bosom, Moroni 10 promise yet, but I do know that the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives for the better. 

Warmest Regards,

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...