Sunday, January 26, 2020

January 20, 2020

This is Becoming Quite a Hassle...

What is up everyone! Sorry I didn't email last week. Actually, I'm not technically sorry because to be truly sorry would mean I'm not going to do it again, but I'm not gonna lie, I am not a fan of weekly emails! But I do it for the fans! I do it for all y'all! 

First things first (rest in peace uncle phil, for real) shoutout to anyone who gets my reference there. Let’s see where to start. We found a cool dude named Mark who we can teach. We just found him knocking doors. He told us he believes the Book of Mormon could be scripture from God so that's exciting! We have an appointment with him on Thursday so hopefully it goes well! 

I went on exchanges with the Hays Elders which is always a good time. I love being able to just go with the flow and not being in charge of everything! 

Unfortunately, we had to drop a few people this week, but I don't think I've ever mentioned them in any emails so it's alright.

We have had the hardest time getting an appointment with Sage since she came to church. Satan is working hard, but we are working harder!

Haven't had much luck with Audrianna. She is just so flippin busy! One of these days we'll definitely work something out! 

Ya that's about it! Lastly, HOW BOUT THEM CHIEFS! I know technically they're in Missouri, but I still like them now, and they're going to the superbowl! The last time they were there was superbowl 4 so everyone here is pretty psyched! If you aren't rooting for the chiefs let me know so I can remove you from my email list... Just kidding! I love and miss all of you! Except my friend Scott. I don't miss you Scott. I have a new best friend now :)

Elder Nixon 

Pics: Birthday dinner
Big egg in Wilson
The tree and the grass are a result of what we call freezing rain. If you've never experienced it you're missing out. Essentially what it is is its freezing outside and then it starts raining. Why it isn't snow, I have no idea. But the rain hits your windshield and just turns to ice and it makes it very hard to drive and see and makes EVERYTHING covered in a dummy thick layer of ice. Good thing I'm a good driver :)

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...