Sunday, December 22, 2019

November 25, 2018

I'm a Murderer?!?!

Howdy folks,

This week flew by, as most do. Not much happened Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday night we drove down to Wichita because we had a mission conference at 7:30am and Wichita is 2 hours away. We spent the night with some Elders there and then went to our mission conference Thursday. It was SO good. We had Elder Gifford Nielson come to preside. We learned a lot from him. One thing I really likes was that we talked about is we are all children of God and that we were born to be Kings and Queens. I always knew that, but for some reason this just hit different. It was a day just filled with the spirit. My comp and I sang in the choir which is always fun. Near the end of the conference the AP's got up and said they were gonna call a few people up to bear their testimony and of course I was called. Normally that kind of thing would give me a good amount of stress, but I wasn't stressed at all. I bore my testimony and as I was walking off Elder Nielson shook my hand and told me it was a beautiful testimony. I wish I could remember more of what we talked about, but I don’t have my journal with me. Oh well.

Friday I drove home from Wichita on a quarter tank of gas which is unheard of, but I had such exceeding faith I made it home. Friday we had snow stick to the road and sidewalk so we spent all morning shoveling sidewalk. Last night I was driving up to Hays to spend the day with the Elders up there and as we were driving I saw a pair of eyes looking at me. I didn't have enough time to stop and even if I wanted to I wasn't going to get a driving violation so I ran over a raccoon. I smooshed it good and sent it back to its maker. We laughed for quite a while about that. 

Well that's all I've got for this week. If you're contemplating whether or not to serve a mission, just do it. It'll bless you so much more than you realize. Full send. 


Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...