Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 2, 2019

I cast out evil spirits?!?!

What is up everyone! I don't have a whole lot of time today, so I'll try and get everything in! 

Since I'm a District Leader I get to do training for my district. I also get the wonderful opportunity correct people when they are doing things they shouldn't and I had to do a lot of that on Wednesday in my DCM. Consider the evil spirits cast out.

Thursday was a very amazing day. We drove up to Salina to play games with our zone before everyone had their meals. It was snowing pretty bad, and looking back, we probably just shouldn't have gone, but we did anyways lol. Salina is about an hour and twenty minutes from here, but it took us a little over two hours to get there. We had so much fun tho! We drove back, and thankfully the roads were nicer, and we hosted our own Thanksgiving dinner at the church. We just invited a ton of people who didn't have anywhere to go or just simply didn't want to cook. We had a good turnout and it was a great opportunity to talk to lots of people! 

Friday we just did a little bit of Black Friday shopping...

Sunday I think was my official 4 month mark! Pretty crazy! Time really does fly. Church that day was pretty strange. The heater in our chapel is currently broken, so we just held our sacrament meeting in the relief society room. It was a little tight, but we all fit! Perks of being the only ward in a building! We went and stopped by Kelsey and Dewayne's house, who I don't know if I've ever talked about, but we stop by there weekly to invite them to church. Kelsey has been a few times, and Dewayne always says he knows he needs to come, but he never does, well we went by and had a really good talk with him and got him committed to church. In the past we've got like a maybe, but this time we got a solid yes. I'm pretty excited!

Well to end this I'd like to challenge everyone to watch The Christ Child and think of who you will share it with. It is an AMAZING video and if you haven't seen it, you're missing out! 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

We celebrated a birthday in my district, so we all got party hats. 
This is how we spent a lot of our evenings. We go to Walmart and buy discount bakery garlic bread and pound it while playing battleship.

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...