Sunday, November 24, 2019

November 18, 2019

I'm a dad?!?!

Hello everyone,

This week has honestly been a pretty long week. I have no idea why, but it just felt really long. 
If you know anything about missions and being a dad, then you know it means that I'm training! I got a call from the AP's and they asked if I would train a new missionary and be the District Leader. I was pretty excited. Unfortunately, that means Elder Grassi and I are no longer together, but that's okay. It was bound to happen sometime. So, on Tuesday night we drove down to Wichita and spent the night there. Wednesday I had to be to the church at 7:30am to sit through some trainings. Finally, around 11 am I got assigned my new companion. His name is Elder Robinson and he's from Mapleton Utah! He reminds me a lot of my friend Scott, so needless to say, I love him. We had a lot of driving to do so we got to talk and get to know each other pretty well. I'm pretty excited for this transfer.

Thursday we met with Craig and gave him a church tour which was super dope. I'd never given one, so I really didn't know what I was doing.  I thought for sure we would see him on Sunday at church, but we didn't which was most unfortunate. 

In addition to being a trainer I am also the district leader here. Not sure how that happened, but it did. As district leader I get the wonderful opportunity to prepare trainings for my district every week. My mission went from 0 to 100 real quick. Anyway, so I was just planning on doing my first training this Wednesday, but I got a call from the ZL's on Thursday and they said I needed to do a training the next day. So that stressed me out, but it went really well. 

That's honestly about all that's happened this week. Being a missionary is hard, but also so fun. I'm so grateful for the choice I made to serve. This truly is the kingdom of God on the earth! 

Elder Nixon

p.s. Elder Scroggin, don't tell President I am talking about posterity :)

Great Bend Missionaries
My wonderful district
A goofy pic of me and Elder Robinson. Maybe I'll get a nice one later...

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...