Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 9, 2019

We're Having a Baptism?!?! Or Are We...

Hello my faithful readers. It is great to be with you again on this wonderful day. This week was pretty average, but hopefully my email is anything but average! Who knows though.

Tuesday we had a really good lesson with one of our investigators named Brain. We were reteaching the restoration because there were some parts he didn't quite understand, but when we were talking about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon the topic of baptism came up. I asked him if he wanted to get baptized and he said yes! We set a date for January 12. It just felt like the right day since I have a friend with a birthday on the 11th and one with a birthday on the 13th! We were pretty excited (but only for a few days...)

Wednesday we had interviews in Salina which meant leaving the house at 7:30 to make it there by 9. It wasn't too bad driving that early. Interviews were super great. I accidently deleted all of my notes from it though :( I do remember we talked about determination and grit. We also got Little Caesars since Salina is the closest one. It was some good pizza. 

Thursday I was very grateful for police officers. We were helping some lady change her tire, and all we had was a little jack, but this officer showed up with a floor jack, so we were able to get her car jacked up real quick and the tire changed in no time! 

Friday we had our ward Christmas party which was nice. I was hoping to get some investigators there, but none came. Who doesn't want free food and a message about Jesus? Oh well, their loss and more food for the hungry missionaries. 

Saturday was a sad day. We kept trying to visit with Brian who we had put on date earlier in the week, and he sent us a text saying he was going to keep going to his church because his mom doesn't want him going to ours. We were pretty sad. We are going to work pretty hard with his mom and step dad to get them all to join the church. 

Sunday we thought we were going to have a good amount of people at church, but then we had 0. Sad boi hours. We'll get em next week for sure. 

Today has been pretty fun. We went around to all the thrift stores in town looking for decorations for our second Christmas tree. We had a tiny pink one, and then we got a bigger white one from a member here. It didn't have lights or decorations though, so we went on an adventure. I'd say we came out victorious as we managed to decorate this tree for about 10 dollars! 

Well that's all I've got for this week. Missions are hard, no doubt, but I don't have any regrets serving. Sure I'll be away from my family for two years, but that is nothing compared to eternity. Some people don't even know they can spend eternity with their families. Sad. But that's why we're here! I love my mission and I love Kansas! It also has some pretty baller sunsets.

Oh I almost forgot my funny story. That would've been tragic. I found out last night that my comp sleepwalks! I was sleeping and I woke up to him over by bed and then he said "this is my blanket now" and then he yeeted my weighted blanket off me and threw me his blanket and so in the morning I just waited for him to notice and he was so confused when he found out. We laughed about that for the longest time. 

Elder Nixon

Pics: Elder Robinson and I at a train
Pic with Elder Nielson from our mission conference a few weeks back
Those Kansas sunsets I was telling all y'all about
Jumping for joy because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Our Christmas tree

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...