Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 9, 2019

I got attacked?!?!

Well folks it's been another fine and dandy week here in Great Bend. Honestly not a whole lot has happened this week. 

Umm the first thing is that during my study time I was reading in Mosiah 18, and if you've ever really studied that you would know that Alma baptized himself and boy did I get a laugh out of that when I read it. It literally says that when he baptized the first guy he also buried himself in the water and then clarifies that for the next baptism he doesn't bury himself. I would highly suggest reading it. 

Next thing I wanna write about is a few of the miracles we've seen while finding. There have been two days this week where we were trying so hard to find people and both days we just couldn't. We were gonna call it quits around 8:50, but I remembered reading in one of my friends emails how important it is to work to 9, so I said let's just knock one more street. We did and at the eleventh hour we found someone! This dude literally told us he was in the middle of a faith crisis and was seeking answers. Boy were we able to help. We taught him so much, but unfortunately he's going out of town for like two weeks so that kinda sucks. 

The second guy we found was actually almost the exact situation. We were knocking in this creepy part of town and the same thing happened. This dude is like 25 and just ready to learn so we're definitely seeing miracles out here. 

This week I had the opportunity to help not one, but two crazy cat/hoarders. The first one we helped was moving so we took that opportunity to throw away a bunch of her stuff. She didn't even notice. The second one we helped was just trying to get back inside her house. Apparently it's so full in there she can't get in anymore so she lives in a tent on her property. We had to use a bunch of bug bombs, which are exactly what they sound like, in order to not get eaten alive. 

I don't remember if I wrote about this a few weeks ago, but we found that guys wallet and returned it to him. He dropped off the face of the planet and then when were helping the second lady move, we saw him so we went and said hi. The dude was clearly high which made for an interesting conversation. After he left the lady we were helping told us to stay away from him because he's one of the drug mules for the biggest drug dealer in Kansas. And that's how I learned Great Bend is the meth capital of Kansas! 

There's this member here who I think I've talked about before but honestly I don't know. Anyway this dude is hard core. But he asked if he could show me some of his moves. I said yes and then realized he meant he was gonna do his moves on me. He told me to fight back but it was just really weird. You'll see what I mean in one of the pictures. 

Last thing I've got for this week is Sacrament meeting. We were able to get an investigator to come to church which was AWESOME, BUT apparently the Bishop here forgot to assign speakers so after the sacrament he got up and spoke for about 15 minutes and then ended sacrament meeting, which I didn't think he could do, but they do it different out here in Kansas. Well instead of us all going home he wanted to do a 30 minute singing time with the whole congregation, half of which were never in primary, so they knew none of the songs. Anyway so that's what we did. We sang primary songs for a half hour and then had to explain all that to our investigator. Thankfully he's cool and didn't mind it, but it was just so weird. I was laughing the whole time. 

Well I'm loving it out here in Kansas. This truly is the best mission in the world so for all you hoping to serve, pray you get called to the best mission in the world. The Kansas Wichita mission

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...