Friday, September 6, 2019

September 2, 2019

I got a KNIFE pulled on me?!?!

Well honestly, I don't feel like a whole lot happened this week, but my email will probably still be long... oh well. 

Tuesday morning Elder Grassi was eating a bag of cheetos and it asked how tall you were in cheetos and then told us that 21 cheetos is 3.5 feet so from there we figured 42 cheetos was 7 feet and we concluded the ratio was that 1 cheeto was 2 inches. From there it was pretty easy. I'm 5'10" so I knew i was 70 inches tall which made me 35 cheetos tall. We did it for all the missionaries the great bend area and just laughed for like 10 minutes once we were done. 

Things picked up for the week on Thursday when we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. We met them in Ellseworth and then I went with Elder Josselyn up to Salina. As we got to talking I asked where he was from and how long he'd been out. The basics ya know. I kid you not, this Elder was from American Fork and he knows my older brother. It was the craziest thing. Anyway, we spent most of the day tracting, and we both decided to go knock these town homes. We ended up meeting like three people which was incredible for their area. Later that night we had to run to target with the Spanish elders serving there so they could get some stuff. We made a stop by the electronics and they had an ipad out for display, so naturally we went on to the voice recorder app and erased all the recordings and then recorded our own which was just the restoration in two minutes. I don't know why, but I thought it was pretty funny. 

Once I got back to Great Bend, Elder Grassi and I had to drive up to Hays to give a baptismal interview. We get to this guy's house and we're like hey we're here to give the interview and he was like um okay well I only have like 5 minutes so can you do it fast. The interview isn't supposed to be a fast interview, but we were not about to wait until 7pm when he had more time. Even in the five minutes you could just tell this guy was super solid. 

Saturday was a pretty wild day. There was a wedding at the church and I won't go into too much detail, but let's just say neither of the people getting married was very active in the church and their friends definitely weren't members. The bishop had to keep asking people to stop taking pictures and hooping and hollering and all sorts of stuff. It was definitely an unorthodox wedding. Later on Saturday we were tracting and it was getting pretty late, but we were just grindin’ and I looked on my area book and saw an area that was pretty dry so I suggested we go over there. I had a distinct impression to go down a certain street so we did. Right around 9 when it was quittin time we knocked on a door and I looked at Elder Grassi and just said This is the one Elder. The guy who opened it was pretty chill. I asked him if he knew about the Book of Mormon and he said he'd seen the musical. It was a good start honestly. He let us in and he just opened up right away to us. He said that he was going through a faith crisis and he was just looking for the truth. Little does he know we have it. Unfortunately, he's going out of town for like two weeks so that kinda blows but we are definitely gonna follow up on that. 

Sunday's here are really weird because if you try to go tracting it never works because no one opens the door. And I mean no one. So normally we just visit with members. Well we went and met with this guy Jamie who is a straight baller. Well we go knock on his door and it opens very fast and Jamie is standing there with a knife in his hand ready to attack us.  He used to be a prison guard and apparently like two inmates have tried to break into his house and kill him so whenever someone knocks when he isn't expecting it, he swings it open, knife in hand. We talked with him for a while and he told us how he trains and all that. This dude is wild. He literally punches the bark off of trees. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it for me then because of his health but he said he'd do it later and that I can video it. There was one point in the conversation where this dude has a machete in both hands and he is literally fighting himself and as he does that he's explaining to us what is going through his head and it was soooo funny. I wasn't about to laugh though because this guy could probably kill me a million different ways. 

Also I was buying sticky notes at a store called Dillon's so we could leave nice notes everywhere and the lady asked me if I had a Dillon's card, which would give me a discount, and I told her no because I don't. Then Elder Grassi stopped me and did something that made me lose my mind. He took out his white handbook and on the back cover there is a bar code and he asked the lady to scan it. She did and the discount totally worked. I was mind blown. He told me the owner of Dillon's is a member and that you can use the bar code from the white handbook, a Book of Mormon, or any of the pamphlets we use to teach. It was truly life changing

Well that's all I got for ya this week. I want to leave y'all with a quote. I think it was D. Todd Christofferson who said it, but I have no idea when. He says, "God will always love you, but can He trust you?" I would encourage everyone to do all they can to always have God's trust no matter what it may take. You have never sunk lower than the light of Christ reaches. You can always repent and come unto Christ. Sometimes it may feel like we've hit rock bottom, but guess what? Jesus lets us hit rock bottom so that we can discover that He is the rock at the bottom.


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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...