Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 16, 2019

I stole $300?!?!

Well sorry to those of you who just look at missionary emails for the pictures because this week I have very few pictures :/ Oh well, everyone knows my emails have the best content.
Tuesday we went up to Barton Community College for a bible study, which I thought would be fun, but boy it was not. They started reading from the bible, and I looked at what it said in my bible and they were completely different so that was awkward. I looked at my companion and just whispered "that ain't the bible we used in the MTC..." We got a good laugh out of that. Come to find out that it was a Baptist bible study so that was a good time. 

We were driving down to Wichita for some meetings, and I saw a super weird road sign so I asked my comp about it, and apparently there's a town here called Yoder I think, and it's an Amish community which explained the sign. I wanted to pop in and see what was up, but we didn't :( 

Now to address the title of my email. On Friday we were visiting one of our investigators, Joe, who was supposed to get baptized yesterday (more details to come later), and he asked us if we could go to Walmart for him and pick up some money from his roommate Chris for rent. We agreed and went to Walmart. It took us a while to find Chris, and I noticed that it was a little after four when we found him. I knew Joe would probably be at work by the time we got back to his house, so I messaged him on facebook and asked if we should leave the money with their other roommate. He didn't respond, and then Elder Rowley (we were on exchanges at the time) needed to grab a few things from Walmart, so we did that. We got back in the car and drove to a members house to visit them. About thirty minutes later, I felt my phone buzz, and looked at it. It was a message from Joe that just said "yes" answering the question of if I should give the money to their other roommate. I had completely forgot I had the money in my pocket! We quickly left and drove right over to Joe's house to drop off the money. Come to find out, Joe had the day off of work, so that was fun to explain how I went to Walmart, picked up 300 dollars for him, and then five minutes later, completely forgot I had it. It was pretty embarrassing. 

Like I mentioned earlier we were on exchanges Friday to Saturday. Well somehow Elder Grassi and Elder Winkel switched up their MSF cards (our mission debit cards) while in Hays. So Saturday night we had to drive back up to Russell so they could get their debit cards back. On the way up we were going about 70 and a deer jumped out in the road. Elder Grassi slammed his breaks and all but threw me out of my seat. We missed the deer by probably no more than about two inches. While a brand new car would have been nice, we were definitely grateful we didn't hit the deer. 

So now onto yesterday. The whole week we kept making sure Joe was good for his baptism, he kept saying he was, but we kept putting off making the programs, and figuring all the details out. Once we knew he was solid we printed off all the programs, asked people to talk, pray, sing, etc, and we were good to go. Sunday morning we were literally on our way out of the house, with baptismal clothes packed, and we get a message from Joe that said "Hey can we reschedule my baptism to next week?" We both just looked at the message, and I gave quite possible the biggest REEEEEEE of my life. If you don't know what a REEEEE is then that is unfortunate. So we called him and he told us he was in the hospital because he had some awful chest pain. He had to get x rays, and some other scans so that was a big bummer for us not gonna lie. We were able to go and see him later, and he was doing better which was good. He told us this morning he had all his clothes set out and ready to go when he got the pain and had to go to the hospital. We're planning on doing it next week now instead. 

During Sacrament meeting I had to give a talk on the Come Follow Me for the week which was on 2 Corinthians 1-7. While preparing for the lesson I came across a video called The Will of God. I ain't tryna give any spoilers away, so just go watch it for yourself. You won't regret it. 

Sunday night we watched the face to face event, which was super cool and then visited with the senior mission couple for a little. We still needed to find some new people to teach, so we just went knocking. It honestly sucked pretty bad. We just kept getting yelled at for coming by so late, even though it was like 8:30... I wish I could say this had a happy ending to it, but it doesn't. We just spent all night getting yelled at lol.

Well, all is well out here in Great Bend. I love it here. The church is true everyone. I can promise you that. 

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...