Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 23, 2019

I went swimming ?!?!

Well not a whole lot happened this week so this definitely may be a shorter email. 

I had my first zone conference in the mish which was pretty fun. We drove up to Salina Tuesday night and spent the night with the ZL's there. There were about 8 other missionaries spending the night there as well so we had lots of fun that night. Zone conference on Wednesday was amazing. It was nice to have a break from normal missionary work and to have a bunch of trainings and receive lots of revelation. Whenever missionaries get together for trainings or anything really we never call it a meeting. I think it was Elder Bednar who said we should call them revelatory experiences so that's what we do here! It really changes my perspective on the purpose we're meeting. We had interviews with our mission president right after zone conference so that made for a long day. It was all super fun tho. Elder Grassi and I just jam out on the drives there. If anyone needs a banger church approved playlist, we've got ya covered. Also we stopped by this really big egg in Wilson on our drive back from zone conference so there's that

Nothing else too exciting happened except for yesterday. Ya boi got a baptism. We've been working with Joe for a little bit and it was awesome to see him enter the waters of baptism. Joe is a pretty big dude so when I baptized him he made a pretty big splash and I'm pretty sure I was completely covered in just as much water as he was... Which was unfortunate because the water was literally about 113 degrees... The bishop told us to just use hot water the whole time and not switch to cold so we did, and when I got in I just looked up at Elder Grassi told him how hot it was and he thought that was pretty funny. He wouldn't've been laughing if he had to get in it. This water was literally hotter than any hot tub I'd ever been. It made for a pretty funny baptism. 

I was feeling nice last night so I made dinner for my comp and the sisters who live down the street from us and we all sat on our porch and ate Sunday dinner together which was nice. 

Well I think that's all I've got for this week... My emails are starting to look like my brothers... Hopefully some crazy stuff happens this week. Apparently, September is tornado season so we'll see about that... I hope everyone has a fantastic week. Remember to always rely on our Savior Jesus Christ!

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...