Thursday, November 14, 2019

September 30, 2019

I played Fortnite?!?!

Well folks it's been another amazing week here in Great Bend Kansas. Transfers are this week which is honestly so crazy to me! I don't know how I've already made it through a whole transfer! I don't think I'll be leaving G.B. though. 

So this email is probably gonna be shorter, but that's alright because I took a lot of pictures to make up for it. 

Friday I went on exchanges with the Elder's up in Hays. I went up to Hays which was actually a lot of fun! It's a little bigger than G.B. so there's more to do which is nice. We went downtown and did sidewalk chalk all over since later that day they were having their homecoming parade and the whole town would be out there. I still think it's weird that they do homecoming parades out here. So we thought it'd be fun to do a bbq for dinner so we bought some brats, burgers, and shrimp. Elder Winkel had a grill and we went to a park to cook. We put all our meat on the grill and lit it up. It was smoking so much and then after about 2 hours of cooking we came to the conclusion that what we had was not a grill, but that it was in fact a smoker. Not gonna lie though, those brats were some of the best I've ever had. 

Saturday was awesome. It was finally cold enough to wear a jacket!!! It was about 50 degrees and rained on and off all day. I'm pretty excited for winter, but whenever I say that people tell me I'm crazy. So we went and did service for this lady and she had this huge tree stump that was all rotted. I was using basically a screwdriver to break it up, and I noticed a construction crew across the street. I jokingly said it'd be nice if we had one of their pickaxes, so this lady goes over and asks to use a pickaxe and they actually let her! So she brought it over to me and I was going to town on that tree stump. I'm getting mass gains out here. Maybe if people didn't feed us so much, and so often I'd actually lose some weight 😂 But ya,v swinging that pickaxe reminded me of fortnite, and I needed a title for my email so…

Hope everyone is doing well! I'd love to hear from y'all! 

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...