Friday, September 6, 2019

August 26, 2019

There were brown recluse spiders everywhere!! My comp got bit?!?!

First things first. My new mailing address is 2101 31st street Great Bend Kansas 67530

Man alive what a week. I gotta write about a few funny things I did before leaving the MTC just in case nothing funny happened once I got out here. I didn't want to disappoint everyone. A few days before I left, me and another Elder in my district wanted to have an ice cream sandwich eating competition so naturally we did. We both skipped dinner since it was gross and just started on ice cream sandwiches. I think I ate around 13 or 14, but honestly, I can't remember. It feels like so long ago. Needless to say, I won that and I made the other Elder throw up. The scary part is I was like not even phased by it. Like I felt a little sick later into the night, but I was feeling great right after it happened, so that concerned me a little, but I'm all good now. 

So, on Tuesday I left the MTC at like 6:45 am and made my way to the airport. I'll spare y'all the boring details. You're welcome. Anyway, I got to Wichita around 6pm I think. We were met by the AP's and President Ernst. They took us to the mission home where Sister Ernst had dinner waiting. We had some training and then we got to ask the AP's tons of questions while President held interviews. We were told stories of miracles that just made me excited to serve, and to see miracles like that happen for myself. We spent the night at the AP's apartment which was pretty wild. There was just a lot of Elders and not a whole lot of space. The next day we had to sit through more training and safety stuff. We got warned multiple times about bed bugs which I didn't actually know were a real thing... They're nasty little buggers. We were assigned our new companions and our areas, and then we were sent out with different missionaries while our trainers got some training. My new comp is named Elder Grassi and he's from Dallas Texas. Me and him get along just great which is a huge blessing. He is a super cool dude. Love him to death. We are serving in Great Bend Kansas, which is a pretty big area. 

One thing I've noticed about this area is that it is super hard to get people to come to church. The ward boundaries are 100 miles north to south, and 60 miles east to west. So, some people have to drive quite a while to get to church. We're making it work though. 

One of the first few people I met here is named Mark. He lives in a pretty run down house with his sister Chris in Larned Kansas. He was excommunicated a while back for some stuff, but is being rebaptized in October! Mark and Chris are originally from Paraguay, so they're super big into maté. So here I am in the middle of Kansas, sitting in this run down house drinking maté just like I was in Argentina! It was pretty wild. The mate he made was nothing special, but it was loaded with sugar which made it taste just a little better, but after a few sips the sugar was gone. I didn't want to be rude, so I just had to force myself to drink it. Hopefully he doesn't make it for us again...

So every Thursday we go into Larned, and it literally rained the whole day. We didn't have a car, so it only seemed fitting that it rained on my first full day in my area. My white shirt took a beating, but I'm sure it'll was out... Hopefully you can see it in the picture.

Saturday was one of the craziest days I've had here so far. We drove out to St. John to do some service for an older lady in the ward. She is your classic horder/ cat lady. I'd bet she had around 20-25 cats living in her house. We had to clean out her garage because there was cat poop everywhere and then scrape down the walls in her house. We were warned as we were cleaning the garage that there were brown recluse spiders everywhere, and boy they weren't kidding. Anything you moved had spiders in and around it. I went to move a leaf of a table and after I set it down, I realized there was a spider right next to my arm. It scared me half to death. If you don't know, I'm very allergic to cats, so I was not having a good time. We all had on like doctor’s masks and latex gloves to help. As we cleaned more, we had to start putting the cats in cages. Well these cats didn't exactly want to go into cages. Elder Grassi tried to grab one, and it started flailing and screaming for lack of a better work. I looked over and just saw latex glove pieces flying in the air from where the cat had torn them to shreds. In order to escape, the cat had to bite Elder Grassi twice before he finally let go. They were mean little cats. We finally got everything cleaner, and this lady was only allowed to keep four cats after we were all done. We got back into town and there was an absolute bonkers storm. We were on tornado watch, which means the weather is perfect for a tornado, and then around 9 we went on tornado warning which means there is a tornado and we're supposed to go directly to our safe spot. Well we figured out that we don't have a safe spot. Thankfully nothing happened. I was a little mad it came at night because I couldn't see anything. It was honestly a fitting ending for the day. 

Another guy I met is named Joe Hernandez. He was taught by the other Elders who were here, but is totally ready for baptism. We went over and visited him once, and I invited him to be baptized, and he said yes! I'm praying he follows through. 

The last person I wanna write about is Bree. The missionaries who were here before were working very hard with her. She got pregnant at 16, and has the cutest little daughter now. She's 17 now and we have her on date to be baptized sometime in September. We always have scripture study with her, and it's so cool to get insight from non members on the Book of Mormon. 

Well I guarantee I'm forgetting something, so maybe you'll get a little more from me later, but if not, the church is true. Hoorah for Israel. 

Hopefully by now everyone has figured out my comp got bit by a cat and not a spider lol.

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...