Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 17, 2019

We Got Kicked Out of Our Room?!?! *not clickbait

Man, my last week in the MTC. I've come to love everyone in my district so much. I'm gonna miss them all so much when we all leave. Not too much happened this week unfortunately so this email may not be as funny as last weeks. I'll try my best.

So, on Sunday my comp and I had to teach our Priesthood lesson on Christlike attributes. It actually went really well, but in the middle of the lesson, a member of our branch presidency had to slip me a note telling me to stop saying “guys” because I was saying it so much. I don't know if I ever mentioned that, but we're not allowed to refer to groups of people as guys. It is not easy, and I never realized how much I did it. 

Alright so the way that they do sacrament is a little different. They never assign speakers, the branch president just calls up a few people from the pulpit to speak for a little bit. You guys don't know real anxiety until you have to sit in sacrament meeting and not know if you're gonna have to speak until moments before you speak. Absolutely terrifying. 

So now to the title of the email. For some reason on Wednesday morning basically everyone at the MTC had to change rooms so that branches were like all in the same building, and on the same floor. It was honestly so inconvenient to pack literally everything up, move rooms, unpack everything, all for like 5 days. I will say tho, we met a super cool Elder who is in a trio with the zone leaders, and apparently they're super rude to him, so he hangs out with us whenever he can. His companions leave Sunday, but he doesn't leave till Monday, so he emailed our branch president, and he's gonna join our companionship for like a day. 

Another fun thing we found to do here is drop hand sanitizer from six flights of stairs. I don't know why, but the way it falls is just the funniest thing, and every once in a while it hits someone and that's when things get real wild for us. It's like everything else we do is childish, but we only have a few more days here, so we're really enjoying it. 

I also want to thank everyone for all the packages. Y'all did not disappoint. The best package by far though was from Dana. We had probably the best time with her package. There was a bunch of little plastic musical instruments, and you better believe we went Christmas caroling. It was so dope, and I wish I had a video, but unfortunately, I don't. Regardless it was a grand time. I'm only here till Tuesday so I'm not sure any more packages will make it to me. Oh, also there was a whoopee cushion and I can't even start to tell you how much we've used that. I'll try to get a picture of us with our instruments though. 

So, I made the mistake of showing the Elders in my district 2 Kings 6:29, and they all lost their minds. If you aren't familiar with it, then get familiar with it. Anyway, we were in class and our teacher asked people to share their favorite scriptures, and he stands up and I just knew that he was gonna share that. He goes to the front of the class and reads it. I was losing my mind, and thankfully everyone else started laughing, and then my teacher asked why he liked it, and without smiling or laughing he just said "I think it just shows a great lesson on motherly love. She didn't let her son get eaten because she hid him, and I just think that's awesome." My teacher 100% thought he was serious, and I was just in the back losing my freaking mind. 

Well I guess I should leave y'all with something spiritual. So here at the MTC we teach lessons to actor's/actual non members, but we don't know which is which. Anyway, at the beginning of our journey here, we planned our lessons way too much, and we were way too scripted. One time we just decided to not really prepare too much. Like obviously we prepared some, but we tried not to be so scripted, and just teach by the spirit. It was honestly one of the best lesson's we've ever taught. So, the lesson is to trust the spirit. As missionaries it is the most important part of teaching. We consider it to be our third companion. At our devotional on Tuesday we had Brent H. Nielson come and basically just do a question and answer with us. One question that was asked was how do we know if we have the spirit with us, and he responded, "you'll know if you don't have it." I thought that was pretty neat. 
Well I think that's all I've got for this week. Catch me next week coming at ya from the great state of Kansas. 

Also, if you look close in that pic out the window, the EFY kids are posing for our picture 
Oh, and in case you were wondering, we're starting a boy band.

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...