Sunday, February 7, 2021

January 25, 2021

 2 Kings 6:29

This week was alright I guess! Um not much to say beside the work is good. 

Things with Krystal have been less than ideal... we did a lesson on tithing and I guess we accidently offended her so we've been having a hard time with that. She didn't like that we used Malachi as a reason to pay tithing because the scriptures there are apparently used out of context, but I have no idea what "in context" would be... We're not giving up on her tho. 

The Lord however was very aware that we were sad bois so he provided yet another miracle for us! We have been working with a part member family the Simmons. The wife Sister Simmons was baptized maybe 4 years ago while they were living in Utah and the husband Louis just never had the desire to listen to the missionaries or be baptized again. He has been baptized so he doesn't really feel a need to be baptized again. So we really just weren't gonna push it, and we knew in due time the Lord would soften his heart. We just didn't expect that to happen so quickly. So we got a text maybe 2 weeks ago from Sister Simmons and she told us Louis wanted to take the missionary lessons which was AMAZING because we really didn't do anything to even ask him but he just came to it on his own. So before we even got to the lessons we had 2 hour long bible studies with him. We talked about how the Book of Mormon just goes hand in hand with the Bible and how Revelation 22:18 is a very weak argument when you look at Deuteronomy 4:2 and John 21:25 I think it is. If you wanna know more about those scriptures go head and send me an email and I'd love to talk about it! ANYWAY. He realized that what we were saying was true and so that was neat. Well the other day we were out at their house dropping off all the pamphlets for the lessons we teach. We get out there and we're just playin around with his kids. We find Louis and start talking with him, and he started tearing up and told us we've touched his heart in a way no other missionaries have and he thanked us for never giving up on him. He also told us how much it means to him that we just love him and his family and he can tell we really do and he wants that love for his family. He then said "I want you guys to know that I've asked my friend [from Utah] to come out and baptize me on Feb 14. we were just so completely blown away. We hadn't even gone over any of the main lessons with him and here he was putting himself on date! We are so excited for him and his family. 

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't think I have anything else worth mentioning..................... thank you for coming to my ted talk

warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

ALSO I would love to hear your thoughts on that scripture! It's a real good one!! 

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...