Sunday, April 19, 2020

March 16, 2020


Howdy everyone. Shorter email today because I'm a lazy boi. 

First fun story. I've mentioned we play tennis most morning, and Wednesday after our tennis time our key would not go into the lock and we couldn't get back in our apartment! I knew my comp keeps a lock pick kit on him so I said Elder you need to pick this lock. He told me he can't and that he's tried it before. I said Elder where is your faith? The Lord knows we need to get into our apartment so we can get ready. He attempted to pick it and after about 3 minutes he just goes "no fetching way" and then opens the door. That was cool

Ah Thursday what a day. While knocking we found 2 less actives by accident who both wanted to come back to church! And then we had to explain that actually there wasn’t church... so that was fun. Everyone in the mission was losing their minds. It's a pretty big deal to missionaries honestly. 

We haven't had a car all week and that is unfortunate. We have to walk everywhere in the rain and cold. Apparently our engine isn't filtering right and there’s carbon monoxide building up or whatever but we haven't been able to drive. 

My leg hair is coming back in nicely. It doesn't hurt or itch too bad. Except in the knee pit. It's slightly uncomfortable there. 

One of my friends made a great point in his email this week. He talked about how last October the Prophet of God told us we need to be preparing for this conference.  I'd say for the most part we've done a good job, but now with this COVID-19 outbreak everyone's attention has been drawn away from preparing for conference! We need to re-evaluate how we are spending our time. Are we more worried about getting prepared to not leave our house for 3 weeks or are we getting prepared to hear the Prophet of God speak to us in 3 week? 

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon 

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...