Sunday, July 18, 2021

May 10, 2021

 I Called 911?!?!

What's up everyone! Look at this, two weeks in a row on the email! Thank me later.

Monday was spent playing LOTS of sports. Good times. 

Tuesday wasn't exciting until like 10pm when our C02 detector randomly went off. Well when they happens they tell us to call 911 and get it checked out... so next thing we know we've got a giant fire truck pulling up to our apartment and firemen all decked out going to check our CO level. It was all normal and we didn't die, but that was exciting. 

Wednesday was cinco de mayo so we had a party with our district. It was fun. 

Thursday my comp and I had a great idea to do a bible trivia video on campus where we walk around and ask random college kids bible questions. I was so hype for it all morning...and then we got to campus and I remembered how introverted I am. For those of you who don't know I am VERY introverted, so to just walk up to random people and talk to them is absolutely terrifying and I didn't do very good at it... thankfully the weather was beautiful that day so I didn’t mind. 

Saturday I got to go to the baptism of someone who I taught in Hutch over a year ago, so that was neat! I don't feel like I had the biggest part in his conversion, but it was still sweet to see him baptized!! 

Also this week is transfers and I'm not being transferred which I'm happy about. My comp is going to Italy sometime soon tho so I'll get a new comp soon enough. 

Thanks for reading.

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...