Sunday, July 18, 2021

June 14, 2021

 The End is Near

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning everyone! I figure if I don't get this email off now then I won't get one off at all. We stay pretty dang busy on Mondays. Our typical schedule is play basketball from like 8-12, grab lunch for an hour or so, then meet at a park and play spikeball, pickleball, tennis, etc. for a few hours, then head back to the church to play card games and talk to family! It's a great time!

Let's see... Dylan is doing pretty good! If all goes according to plan he will be baptized next Tuesday which happens to be the day before transfers! Crazy that next transfer is my last one  anyway he's working to overcome some Word of Wisdom issues with tea of all things! When we taught him about tithing he thought he had to pay 10% of everything he has in the bank so he was ready to drop a fat stack of cash for tithing and was relieved when he learned he didn't have to haha. Those are the type of converts we want tho! 

Ethan and his family are doing good. If you don't remember Ethan, he was baptized back in April and now we teach his family because he wants them to be baptized so bad because he loves the gospel. He's even considering going on a mission which is crazy! 

Let's see what else. Oh for those who know me well, you know that I am a pretty big introvert, so the idea of just going up to random people and talking to them is terrifying and the first time I tried it on campus it was a huge fail. Well recently I put on my big boy pants and did it! And it's for a fathers day video, so be sure to check out the Facebook page "Church of Jesus Christ in Derby" or the Instagram page "we_know_him" for some hopefully high quality content! 

We're teaching 3 college dudes who are very skeptical of everything we say, so we use the bible a lot and while teaching about baptism we turn to john 3:5 which says "verily verily I say except a man be born of water and of the spirit he can no wise enter the kingdom of God" or something like that. Well I thought it was pretty obvious what that meant, especially considering Jesus has just told Nicodemus that he can't go back into the womb and then later the apostles go and baptize, but these 3 goobers tried to tell me that being "born of water" wasn't baptism and that referred to a physical birth because of the fluid that is present... we later dropped them. 

We had zone conference since the last time I wrote! It was with our new area president Elder Ames! It was only about 3 hours, and he talked all about planning and how to effectively plan and schedule things, we've been implementing some of the things he taught! Cool dude too. 

It has been getting H O T out here in the Midwest. I'm talking we've had days up at 95 with like 100% humidity so you step outside and everything is just sticky and gross and I already sweat really easily so it's been an experience. I do love the heat tho so I can't complain too much. 

Ummm yeah that's all I can think of to write about. My grandpa said I should tell everyone who hasn't sent an email to me in the last oh I'd say 3 weeks that they're gonna get removed from my email list for the last transfer hah. Not like I send em too much anyways, but still Grandpa you are a legend. So y'all know the deal. If you're reading this and I haven't heard from ya in the last three weeks in the words of Grandpa Galen "Remember to threaten your followers with sudden excommunication from your mailing list unless they each send you an email within your specified time frame." So y'all have a week;) 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

PS if your name is bailey scroggins (emphasis on the last S) then I love you and am still praying we can be comps.

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...