Sunday, June 7, 2020

May 4, 2020

Elder Nixon: Master Fisherman

Hello everyone! I thought I'd be proactive and get my email out before my parents ask me to send one! Go me! This week wasn't too bad honestly! We did a few things that got us outside and doing stuff which was pretty great! 

The first thing I'll write about is some service we did for a member here in the ward. He called us and asked if we could come over for the most interesting service project of our mission, which intrigued us, so of course we said yes and we went over. So for this service he needed one of us to crawl into this crawl space in his garage and then move a bunch of 2 liters full of water while they threw more at me from the garage. It was a tight fit getting in there, but it wasn't so bad once I got in! They threw a bunch of bottles down the hole and then I took them and moved them all to the side so the entrance was clear! Pretty exciting stuff. I'm not sure if it was the most interesting service I've done though. Not sure who all remembers the cat lady from my first area and the service we did for her... but that was interesting.

We got the opportunity to do some more service this week too! Or at least we thought we were going to get to do some more service. There was a service project in Wichita that we volunteered to go help with one day. Well we got there and apparently a ton of other missionaries volunteered to help as well! Our Zone Leaders had to send some missionaries home because we had too many people there and we wanted to follow our mission rules and not be in groups that large... so unfortunately we were some that got sent back. We did however make good use of our time in Wichita! Us and a few other missionaries found a disc golf course and we decided to play a few holes. I am not very good at disc golf but I had a good time. For some reason whenever I throw my frisbee always goes to the right which is annoying, so you can imagine I got pretty nervous when we were throwing next to a river, with the wind blowing toward the river and my throws curving toward the river. I decided my safest bet was to just keep the frisbee low and not throw it far at all. I'd throw the frisbee maybe 6 feet, go get it, throw it another 6 feet, and so on till I got to the metal thing. It didn't help that this was the only 600' hole in the course so yes it took a while! 

The last thing we have started doing is going fishing! Which as it turns out, I'm also not good at! I enjoy it and I like being in the sun, but man I don't get it! I thought fishing was just something everyone could do, but we fished for a long time and I didn't catch a single fish... my companion did get one on the line and let me reel it in which was nice but I don't think that counted. 

That's all I've got for this week! I hope y'all are doing good and hanging in there! I'm surviving out here! It's hard to believe I've already been doing this for 9 months! The time really does fly! I hope by now y'all have listened to at least a few general conference talks again! Those who speak to us during that truly are inspired. How amazing that we can listen to their words over and over. 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...