Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 4, 2019

Winter is upon us…or is it?

Well another week done here in Kansas! This week flew by, but it was super good! 

Last week on Monday it started snowing so that made me want to cry because I'm not ready for winter yet... It was snowing on Monday, and then by like Saturday and yesterday we were back up to like 65-70 degrees. The weather here is whack. 

So a few weeks ago we were smackin doors and we met this dude and then we went back to follow up with him and we met his daughter. We started talking and we got a return appointment with her. We went, and taught her and I asked her if she would read from the Book of Mormon. She then told me she's already read the whole thing not once, but twice. I was baffled. After some more talking we learned that she is friends with the missionary who is serving from the ward here and he gave her a Book of Mormon before he left and she's read it twice! Hopefully we'll get her baptized soon! 

We had Zone Conference on Wednesday which was amazing! We talked a lot about asking inspired questions and prayer. When we ask our potential members questions, we basically get them to realize and extend commitments to themselves. It reminded me of this thing called framing which I learned about in AP Psych which basically is just you ask questions a certain way to get certain outcomes. (you're welcome Jordan) I've noticed people tend to keep commitments a lot more it they come up with them themselves. And we also talked about prayer and how we can make our prayers more meaningful. 

Thursday was pretty fun! Since it was Halloween we weren't allowed to drive our cars after 5pm, so we had one of our recent converts pick us up and take us back to his house where his mom had made us dinner. We had a good time there! 

On Friday we went to an all you can eat Thai restaurant and for those who know me, you know I LOVE curry. Thankfully they had curry at this place, so needless to say, I was in heaven! Just thought I'd let everyone know that. 

Well I think that's all I've got for this week! The church is true!

Elder Nixon

I took that second picture on the drive to Salina whilst Elder Grassi and I were doing a freeze out because I was starting to snooze. It was about 35 degrees outside and the wind was howling.

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July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...