Sunday, October 3, 2021

July 26, 2021

 This is It

Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you know I will be finishing my mission up here next week and will be returning home on August 3! I'm excited to see my family and friends, but I have loved my mission, and have learned so many things. My dad said it would be good idea to share some of those things, so I think I will take this email area by area and ponder on the most important thing I learned from that area... I'll try to make it long since I got subtweet roasted by my grandpa for only sending a haiku one week, so this one's for you Grandpa... and everyone else who has supported me over the last two years. 

My first area of Great Bend! What a simple time that was lol. Back when we could just go knock on doors, eat with whomever our hearts desired, and all that fun pre-covid jazz. I spent 4 blessed transfers in Great Bend. 2 being trained and 2 as a district leader trainer. I feel it would be best to focus on the last two transfers in Great Bend. I had just gotten out of training and was called to be a District Leader and trainer. So not only was I asked to train a new missionary (after only being out 3 or so months) I was supposed to essentially preside over about 3 other companionships... why they trusted me with this... I have no idea. I had no idea what I was doing, how to train, or how to be a DL, but I survived. I would say the big lesson from Great Bend was that it is okay to admit you don't know what you’re doing or don't have all the answers. I had to ask for help countless times while in Great Bend either while I was being trained, or while I was training. So remember... it's okay to say I don't know 

My second area was the great land of Hutchinson KS with one of my fav comps. I spent a transfer and a week in Hutch because Covid got me yeeted to Whaletown (we'll get there tho). Hutch man what a time. I had only been out around 6 months and my beautiful comp had been out maybe 4 so we were both pretty fresh. I had a decent idea of what I was doing, but still not positive. I think Hutch was where I learned to have fun as a missionary. Not the kind of fun that distracts you from the work, but the kind that memories are made around. I got along so well with my comp, and we have some great memories together. I learned the importance of addressing your own needs at times. As a missionary it is so easy to always focus on others, but at times you have to focus on yourself. And that isn't a bad thing... but I will say on an airplane when the oxygen masks drop down what do they tell you? They say make sure your own mask is secured before you help others. So make sure you're safe before trying to help others. If we don't take time for ourselves then we won't have the energy we need to help others. We will be so worn out and beaten down that we'll end up useless to others. So strangely enough sometimes the key to being selfless is to be a little selfish. So take time for yourself.

Wellington. AKA Whaletown. The peak of covid. As I reflect on my time in Wellington my thoughts are turned to the countless hours I spent playing piano and reading the scriptures as covid was in full swing and no one had any idea what to do. That first transfer I was a lowly junior comp so i just went with the flow, but then someone got the great idea to make me the DL there for my second transfer. IDK who did that, but it was a great prank. I'll remember that one. In Wellington I learned the difference in feeling productive and being productive. As a DL i was told to make sure my stewardship as it is called all had full schedules and that all their time was accounted for... this was a challenge seeing as my whole day wasn't even full. I had NO idea what to do. It was easy to say "hey lets go fishing and if we talk to someone we'll be fulfilling our missionary purpose" and the funny thing is people like thought that was the greatest idea ever. I spent many hours either at the lake or in that little two bedroom apartment. I found that most of the time we were doing things to feel productive as opposed to actually being productive. (more to come on that later) I remember giving advice to my stewardship as to what they could do and it was the simple stuff like call people and study. I do however remember telling some elders to just schedule in periodic bathroom breaks... but hey it filled their schedule which was the goal. so lesson from Wellington... there is a difference in being productive and feeling productive. Not just in missionary work, but in real life too. So ponder on activities you do and thing what's the actual benefit of this. You may need to reconsider what you are spending time doing.  

After getting yoinked out of Whaletown I went to the promised land of Lawrence. Arguably my favorite area. I was in the same district as my MTC comp Elder Baily Scroggins who I so dearly love. My companion and I got along great, the ysa was a party (Go jayhawks), and we were starting to figure things out. It's hard to say what exactly I learned in Lawrence, but I think I'm gonna go with the importance of good friends. There were some AMAZING missionaries up in Lawrence when I was there. I made a lot of good friendships there that I think will last for a while, so always choose good friends who will support you and help you reach your goals. So yeah Lawrence was a little shorter, but choose good friends.

After Lawrence came my short time at home. I learned more here than I think I had the last 14 months of my mission. I won't get into it, but I learned a lot about my Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. For our EQ lesson we read the talk "What has Jesus Christ done for us?" from this last General Conference. That is a question I think we all could ponder. Truly what has Jesus Christ done for us. Just think about it. If its something ya'll wanna talk about more I'd love to talk about it more with whoever wants to. You know where to reach me. I truly can say that I know of the love God has for all of us. There just isn't a doubt in my mind that He doesn't love us. I enjoyed my time at home, but was always looking to return to Kansas where I knew I belonged. That day happened in earlyish December. 

My first area back was McPherson. It was an interesting area. Definitely not my favorite, but i had a good enough time there. My second comp while I was there was a little hard to get along with. So in McPherson I definitely learned how to get along with people a little different than you. He liked all these things I really didn't care for, he left dishes out, he was a little messy, and he just had some other little habits that over time really got to me. I knew my situation was unavoidable so I figured I'd better learn how to survive. After some counseling I figured it out. It all comes down to service. I had this idea that if I left his dishes in the sink he would magically do them... I was sorely mistaken. I finally started just doing his dishes and you know what eventually he was doing his own dishes. I tried to find other ways to serve him and to just let the little things  go. I wasn't perfect at it, and I'm still not, but I survived. 

And that brings me to my last area. Wichita Kansas in the Rock Road YSA (go shockers) What a party honestly. I've spent the last 3 or so months here and I've loved it. I always said i never wanted to serve in Wichita, but I love it. Being in a ysa helps because i get to talk to people my age, which is good and bad, but I think more times it is good. What have I learned here...? Well I'd say the lesson I learned here is one every missionary should learn early on... and it's one I’ve known from the beginning. But if you wanna see success then you gotta work! Crazy how that works. I feel like I've had the most numerical success here in that I've had two baptisms (which baptisms don't make a successful missionary, but they sure are nice haha). I feel like I’ve left my all here. There is SO much potential for this area in the next few months and I'm excited about the potential and all the success that will be had in the YSA. Now obviously this principle can apply to more than just missions. But if you wanna see improvement or success or change or anything you gotta work for it. It ain't just gonna happen overnight. So work hard. in everything. 

My brain is a little fried, but I had just a few more general thoughts. I was asked the other day "Why are there people that just everyone likes?" I thought that's a great question and honestly I’m not sure. But you know the type. they always see the best in others, the lift others up, they're dependable, you know who they are. But strive to be like that. 

I want to close with my testimony. I don't often share my testimony in my emails. This last week I was asked "how has the gospel blessed your life?" boy how hasn't the gospel blessed my life. I love teaching others how they can find lasting happiness and seeing them change their life and actually seeing that happiness I promised. I think the two strongest parts of my testimony are the fact that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that the temple is the house of God. Now I know those are two very different things, but allow me to elaborate. Joseph smith endured hell while alive. He went through the ringer. I think it's fascinating that while the professors of religion at the time couldn't agree on anything they could all agree that Joseph Smith was a liar and a fraud. and that to me is a good indicator that what Joseph what doing was good. Why else would Satan put it into the hearts of those men to stop him? kinda sounds like Moses... or even Jesus Christ. Funny how that works. Whenever Satan knows someone is doing something good he tries to stop it. So if you ever feel those fiery darts just remember you're not alone. You're in good company. There have been others far greater to suffer much more. I love Joseph Smith. 

My second part was about temples. I'll keep it brief because I don't actually think anyone wants to read all this. I just had a powerful experience in the temple a few weeks back. I hadn't been in close to 2 years so to enter that holy house was amazing. The spirit present in the temple is so real. It was amazing to be able to hear our two recent converts speak of their experience after. They recognized how special that place is. 

ANYWAY I'm def rambling now, but despite what anyone thinks or tries to say I loved my mission. I loved being able to serve in the heartland. In the great Kansas Wichita Mission. I love my Savior, I love this gospel, and I know what I've taught the last two years is true. If you've strayed from that fold, please come back. Come see what you're missing. You won't regret it. Elder Nixon signing off. 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon  

Sunday, July 18, 2021

June 28, 2021

 Oklahoma City is Cool

Hello my good friends! So I have like a weird half p day today and I'll explain why later! 

This week has been great! As most of you know this is my last transfer! My old comp Bo Jackson went off to Italy so I got a new companion! His name is Elder Wilson from Arizona! He's a lil bit of a weeny but I'll survive! 

Let's see run down of the week. Tuesday was Dylan’s baptism!! He was so overwhelmed at the amount of people who came to support him! We had a nice service and then right after confirming him we gave him the priesthood so we could get him into the system so he could get a temple recommend asap. So yeah that was nice

Wednesday was transfers and as I mentioned I got a new comp and got to see loads of mission friends including Elder Scroggins! Good times. 

Thursday and Friday flew by without any incident because I was just looking forward to Saturday all week! 

Saturday our branch had a temple trip and with special permission from my mission president I was able to go down to the Oklahoma City Temple! Its not an experience most missionaries get when the temple is outside your mission, but it was SO good to be back in those holy doors. I truly know that the temple is the house of God. I got to go with two of my recent converts so that made the experience even more special! Sorry mom but I didn’t get pictures with them at the temple... they're not big picture people. I definitely got some of my own tho! So this is where the half p day comes in. Technically a temple trip counts as p day, but when we got back Wilson and I went to work so now we can have some time today to do other p day activities! 

But ya that's about all I've got! I may get lazier writing these last few weeks (I know how can I get worse I'm already awful) but know that I love every one of you and am grateful for the time I've had to serve a mission! 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon

June 14, 2021

 The End is Near

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning everyone! I figure if I don't get this email off now then I won't get one off at all. We stay pretty dang busy on Mondays. Our typical schedule is play basketball from like 8-12, grab lunch for an hour or so, then meet at a park and play spikeball, pickleball, tennis, etc. for a few hours, then head back to the church to play card games and talk to family! It's a great time!

Let's see... Dylan is doing pretty good! If all goes according to plan he will be baptized next Tuesday which happens to be the day before transfers! Crazy that next transfer is my last one  anyway he's working to overcome some Word of Wisdom issues with tea of all things! When we taught him about tithing he thought he had to pay 10% of everything he has in the bank so he was ready to drop a fat stack of cash for tithing and was relieved when he learned he didn't have to haha. Those are the type of converts we want tho! 

Ethan and his family are doing good. If you don't remember Ethan, he was baptized back in April and now we teach his family because he wants them to be baptized so bad because he loves the gospel. He's even considering going on a mission which is crazy! 

Let's see what else. Oh for those who know me well, you know that I am a pretty big introvert, so the idea of just going up to random people and talking to them is terrifying and the first time I tried it on campus it was a huge fail. Well recently I put on my big boy pants and did it! And it's for a fathers day video, so be sure to check out the Facebook page "Church of Jesus Christ in Derby" or the Instagram page "we_know_him" for some hopefully high quality content! 

We're teaching 3 college dudes who are very skeptical of everything we say, so we use the bible a lot and while teaching about baptism we turn to john 3:5 which says "verily verily I say except a man be born of water and of the spirit he can no wise enter the kingdom of God" or something like that. Well I thought it was pretty obvious what that meant, especially considering Jesus has just told Nicodemus that he can't go back into the womb and then later the apostles go and baptize, but these 3 goobers tried to tell me that being "born of water" wasn't baptism and that referred to a physical birth because of the fluid that is present... we later dropped them. 

We had zone conference since the last time I wrote! It was with our new area president Elder Ames! It was only about 3 hours, and he talked all about planning and how to effectively plan and schedule things, we've been implementing some of the things he taught! Cool dude too. 

It has been getting H O T out here in the Midwest. I'm talking we've had days up at 95 with like 100% humidity so you step outside and everything is just sticky and gross and I already sweat really easily so it's been an experience. I do love the heat tho so I can't complain too much. 

Ummm yeah that's all I can think of to write about. My grandpa said I should tell everyone who hasn't sent an email to me in the last oh I'd say 3 weeks that they're gonna get removed from my email list for the last transfer hah. Not like I send em too much anyways, but still Grandpa you are a legend. So y'all know the deal. If you're reading this and I haven't heard from ya in the last three weeks in the words of Grandpa Galen "Remember to threaten your followers with sudden excommunication from your mailing list unless they each send you an email within your specified time frame." So y'all have a week;) 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

PS if your name is bailey scroggins (emphasis on the last S) then I love you and am still praying we can be comps.

May 24, 2021

 Deja vu?

Well I know if I don’t get this off now I never will because it's fixin to be a busy day! 

Tuesday we had a lesson with our friend Dylan who is on date for baptism! We had to go over the Word of Wisdom with him and it was... mostly well received I think. He said he had issues with Tea and that he doesn't believe in a God who would make such arbitrary laws. We tried to explain things to him, and asked him to pray about it, so hopefully he does! 

Wednesday we had our weekly lesson with Drew, Tim, and Tyler. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned them, but they're 3 college kids at WSU and they ask some brutal questions. We got going OFF on the Book of Abraham, and honestly I don't know much about it, or the claims they were making so I looked into it and I'm ready to bash the living daylight out of them. Respectfully of course. Jk I would never bash, but I do feel more prepared to answer their questions. 

Friday we had interviews with our mission president. He asked if I had my shot and I said no and he told me I oughta get it because things will open up a lot more to those who have it here soon... so naturally on Saturday I went and got all chipped up! 5G compatability will hopefully come later in June after my 3 weeks. 

Our branch is having a temple trip end of June and I'm DEFINITELY looking to try and go. I just need to possibility of riding with a member to open up, then we can make the 2.5 hour trek down to OKC (with President approval of course.)

Sunday morning was a HOOT. As I'm sure some of you will remember a few weeks ago our CO alarm went off, and as missionary protocol we have to call 911 so we did and they got no reading and told us to change the battery. Well Sunday morning around 7 it went off again. I shoved my head in my pillow and was going to ignore it and let my dear comp handle it. I figured it was just faulty, so we silenced it and called it good. Well it proceeded to go off two more times and we decided that might hold some ground so we called 911 and they sent not one but TWO GIANT FIRE TRUCKS! And to top it off they sent the fire marshals truck so a total of THREE trucks. I guess Sunday mornings are pretty slow. Anyway they go up and they get a super high reading of carbon monoxide so they start knocking on all our neighbors doors... at 7 in the morning. Sorry neighbors. Anyway they call Kansas gas who have to come out and run their tests because it's more precise than the fire department or sumn. So that dude comes out and tells us out water heater is broken and it's missing a safety pipe or something and the flame rolls around in the bottom which is bad and that's why it went off. So he shut off the water heater and we're not allowed to turn it on till we get it replaced so cold showers baby! But yes I'm glad they didn’t send all those firefighters just for nothing. One even came in lights flashing and everything. Good times.

As our Social Media Leaders say "FACEBOOK WORKS". I'm still skeptical but definitely trying. Time is quickly running out and I will soon be reunited with my best friend Scott to reek havoc on those intermural at UVU and destroy some bots in Rocket League or sumn

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon

I learned how to use spray paint this week 

Chipped up 


Fire trucks


May 10, 2021

 I Called 911?!?!

What's up everyone! Look at this, two weeks in a row on the email! Thank me later.

Monday was spent playing LOTS of sports. Good times. 

Tuesday wasn't exciting until like 10pm when our C02 detector randomly went off. Well when they happens they tell us to call 911 and get it checked out... so next thing we know we've got a giant fire truck pulling up to our apartment and firemen all decked out going to check our CO level. It was all normal and we didn't die, but that was exciting. 

Wednesday was cinco de mayo so we had a party with our district. It was fun. 

Thursday my comp and I had a great idea to do a bible trivia video on campus where we walk around and ask random college kids bible questions. I was so hype for it all morning...and then we got to campus and I remembered how introverted I am. For those of you who don't know I am VERY introverted, so to just walk up to random people and talk to them is absolutely terrifying and I didn't do very good at it... thankfully the weather was beautiful that day so I didn’t mind. 

Saturday I got to go to the baptism of someone who I taught in Hutch over a year ago, so that was neat! I don't feel like I had the biggest part in his conversion, but it was still sweet to see him baptized!! 

Also this week is transfers and I'm not being transferred which I'm happy about. My comp is going to Italy sometime soon tho so I'll get a new comp soon enough. 

Thanks for reading.

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon

May 3, 2021

 My Comp Ditched Me

Well I figure if I don't get my email written early it's going to be hard to do later so here I am. This week has been a blast in all honesty. 

Things are still going well with Dylan who is on date to be baptized June 10th! So I'm hoping I'm still around, which I think I will be! 

My companion flew out to Utah on Tuesday to go sign for his Visa which means he'll probably head out to his original assignment of Italy in the next month or so. I'm happy for him but sad because I like him a lot and was hoping I wouldn't need another comp the rest of my mission but I guess I'm out of luck. I got to hang out with some other Elders who live close by who I love very much so it was a grand time being with them! I stayed with them all of Tuesday and all of Wednesday and then got Elder Jackson back late Wednesday night!

Friday was another busy day. I got the great opportunity to watch the funeral for my grandpa who passed away this week. Bless up for technology and making that possible. Later in the day we had some training meetings and if you've ever served a mission you know that often times those start very late. So our two Assistants to the President (APs) show up like an hour late to start training. It made for a long day and now we have to get on zoom training Friday since they were late. 

When I read emails from home most people talk about wanting to go to 2 hours of in person church. Well lemme tell ya, its nice. So nice that we actually do 4 hours of church. We do 2 hours with the family ward we cover and then 2 with the YSA branch we're in as well. By the end of the day we are always just WIPED from all that church. I love getting to be there in person though so I don't mind. 

Let's see... I think that's all for this week! As I shared my testimony yesterday in church I was reminded of the simple yet powerful truth that Jesus is our Savior. There is no question of that. What a beautiful thing to know, that no matter what life throws at us, we can ALWAYS rely on Jesus Christ for strength. So if you're feeling down... trust God and know he has a plan and rely on the strength that comes from Christ for the time being. Things always work out in the end and if they don't, it's not the end. 

Warmest regards, 

Elder Nixon

April 12, 2021

We Got the Cops Called on Us

Ciao a tutti! That's Italian (I think) in honor of my comp who is supposed to be in Milan Italy. Kansas is far better though. This week has been baller but I'll keep it brief-ish

Monday was solid cause I got to play spikeball for the first time in a FAT minute. I may or may not have bruised my bone but it's fine we power through. 

Went on exchanges Thursday which was fun.

Saturday was a great day! We had Ethan’s baptism!! I don't remember if I mentioned Ethan last week, but we kinda just walked in on his baptism. kinda nice tho. The last two Elders put him on date and then both got transferred out so Elder Jackson and I got in, solidified a few things then got him dunked on Saturday! The other Elders who taught him were able to come so that was nice for them. Ethan is super cool too! He's 22 and is actually looking at serving a mission which is amazing! Yeah that's Saturday 

Sunday... boy for a day of rest there was not much rest for me. We went to the family ward sacrament meeting at 9 since we help them out a little with missionary work and then at 10:30 we had branch council for our little YSA branch. That lasted a fat minute and we had sacrament meeting at 12 for the YSA branch. We get to go to both hours so that's nice. The afternoon was just studying and all that jazz. 

Ok now to address the title... I feel like it's the best clickbait I've had in a while. Well here’s what happened. The Sisters we share the family ward with were picking up dinner from a member for all of us, so we were chillin on their porch waiting. Well they had made the comment that we could try to get onto their deck which is on a second story so naturally we took a look (With all my climbing expertise I'm sure I could have done it but their downstairs neighbors back door was open so we decided against it). So then we started seeing if there was another way we could get in so naturally we checked the front door and looked for a spare key. We discovered it wasn’t too hard to get onto the roof but we decided we better not do that. Well last resort was a window that we assumed was for their apartment. It was unlocked but there was a blanket over the window and we weren't 100% sure it was to their apartment so we again decided against entering. Well fast forward 3 or so minutes and there’s two police officers pulling up and in that moment we realized how freaking suspicious we looked so we just sat there like innocent little boys. Thankfully the sisters pulled up and we grabbed our food and dipped before they came and talked to us. Moral of the story. Don’t try to break into a window unless you're 100% sure it goes to the apartment you want. The end. 

Warmest regards,

Elder Nixon 

July 26, 2021

 This is It Good heavens I can't believe I'm actually writing this email. I never really thought I'd get here. As most of you kn...